Certified Integrative Coach & Therapist



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Coach and Therapist
Passionate About Helping You Live the Life of Your Dreams


With nearly 20 years of clinical experience as a psychotherapist and three life coaching certifications, I thought I had seen everything. And certainly, I never thought my own story would top them all. Yet being face-to-face with my own cruel tragedy, I suddenly became aware of one simple truth …

…our heartbreaks and challenges are opportunities to heal and reclaim our lives.


In the days and months after my husband unexpectedly left, I spent countless hours trying to figure out what went wrong and how I managed to create so much distance from my partner when my heart’s desire was to have a deeply connected marriage. How could I have been so blind? What kept me from seeing the signs I was so oblivious to, but now seem so clear?

Somehow, I knew if I didn’t heal the parts of me that kept me from having an emotionally connected, thriving relationship – one that could withstand life’s bumps and bruises - I would repeat this cycle again. As a therapist, I saw this all of the time.

It was hard to admit, but with time and intense inner work, I realized that though my husband’s actions were gut-wrenching, they also came bearing an unexpected gift.

When my marriage ended, I had a chance to reclaim my life in a way I had never done before. Rather than living in denial, I was now awake to how I had co-created the exact circumstances I was trying so hard to avoid. I saw that I was catering to everyone else’s needs but my own. I had betrayed myself.

Through coaching, I was able to uncover my limiting beliefs, give up my victim status, and dissect my thoughts and actions. My new focus became following the threads of these outdated behaviors and ideas back to their childhood roots. I went to work uncovering the source of the wounds that had me feeling I’m not good enough and causing me to play small and be invisible in an attempt to feel safe in the world.

As a result of my journey to heal and transform, I was able to heal my relationship with my ex. We now have a loving, happy, thriving relationship built on a solid foundation of deep emotional connection, honesty, and respect beyond my wildest dreams!

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
— Wayne Dyer

Coaching also showed me how to zoom out and look at my relationships and my life through a new and more expansive lens.

I learned that to heal I had to step out of the past and use my heartbreak as a catalyst for building a new foundation for my life based on self-trust, self- acceptance, and self-honor.

Breaking free of the beliefs that I wasn’t worthy and that happiness is for others was the basis of learning to live a life of peace, inner connection, and joy. No longer relying on others for fulfillment and worth, I boldly learned to define myself and to use my emotions and intuition as my guides to step into the life I’ve always dreamed of.

I’ve walked in your shoes and I know that through powerful coaching techniques and deep internal work, you really can heal your life.

Whether you’ve had your heart shredded by heartbreak, discovered that you have no idea who you are or what you need, lost a loved one or your health, isn’t it time to break the patterns and become the author of the life you’ve always wanted?



For you, maybe you’ve experienced an unexpected divorce, a sudden loss, a mid-life crisis, or you no longer feel the same toward the person you built your life around. Having your life turned upside down and inside out can be an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and to heal your inner world.

Pain breaks down the walls that keep old behaviors intact. And pain will take you places you’d never go on your own. It’s like an inner alarm clock – if you hit snooze, you’re more likely to repeat the same old worn out patterns of the past.


Let me expertly guide you to happy even after!


My official bio

With undergraduate degrees in social work and behavioral science from Mount Mary College and a master’s degree in social work from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, I practiced as a licensed marriage and family therapist for nearly 20 years. Then I fell in love with the power of integrative coaching.

Through the Ford Institute for Transformational Change, I earned certifications as a Breakthrough Shadow Coach and a Healing Your Heart Coach. I also hold level 1 & 2 certifications in Reiki healing and level 1 & 2 certifications in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a psychological acupressure technique designed to help people achieve optimal health and well-being by removing barriers.

In addition to coaching and therapy, I’ve spent the last several years guiding others through meditation, leading groups, and presenting workshops to support others in overcoming life’s challenges and heal their lives. With a passion for helping others find their way home to their center, I weave mindfulness practices into all I do.
