“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things – they are transformed.”
Live your best life
In your coaching sessions, you’ll learn practical skills and tools and take weekly action steps to begin creating the future you most desire. Breakthrough Shadow Coaching uncovers the shadow beliefs that are sabotaging your actions and choices and keep you playing small and stuck in the past.
Together we’ll look at how to break through excuses and tackle the roadblocks that have kept you from living your best life. Learn to make powerful new choices, set healthy boundaries, make yourself a priority, create a vision for your future, and live more confidentially.
Through Breakthrough Shadow Coaching you can:
Journey from adversity to possibility
Build a skillset to reclaim your life
Outgrow toxic relationship patterns and build authentic relationships
Become more self-aware
Bust through self-imposed obstacles and the stories that hold you back
Express your feelings in a healthy way that leads you back to wholeness
Take action steps to move you toward your vision of your best life
Face new beginnings with confidence
Follow through on personal promises
Live from your center
Shift from reacting from your human nature to responding from your highest nature.
As your coach …
Throughout our coaching relationship, I will hold you accountable and create safety for you to explore and uncover what most stands in your way. It’s always my goal to help you bridge the gap between where your life is now and where you want it to be!
Breakthrough Shadow Coaching is held over ten sessions where we’ll journey together through confidential 60-minute phone sessions from the comfort of your home or office.
Break through
your shadows.
A shadow belief is an unconscious limiting belief that influences your entire life, drives all of your behaviors, and dictates what you can and cannot do or have in life.
Shadow beliefs usually sound like this:
“I’m stupid”
“I’m not good enough”
“Happiness is for other people”
“I’m broken beyond repair”
“I’m unlovable”
“It’s too hard”
How are shadow beliefs formed?
Shadow beliefs are formed early in life, usually under the age of 10, when you are emotionally unprepared to handle a circumstance or situation. Because of these circumstances or situations, you form a belief about yourself or the world around you. If that belief is a negative belief – it’s a shadow belief.
That childhood belief is then forgotten and lies in the shadows of your psyche. Even though you’ve long forgotten the belief, it becomes part of your subconscious operating system. You’ll often draw in the exact circumstances your trying to avoid because that’s how shadows work – they keep coming up until you’ve brought your shadows into your awareness and shifted your perspective.
How do you break through a shadow belief?
The process for uncovering and making peace with your shadow doesn’t have to be difficult. The key is in uncovering how your shadow beliefs were formed and how they served you as a child, but are now limiting you in adulthood. Coaching supports you in not only uncovering the shadow beliefs that have been unconsciously running and limiting your life, but also will help you override them by creating new more empowering beliefs.
Let’s say one of your shadow beliefs is that you’re not good enough. As a result, you feel on the outside looking in on life, and you live from the sidelines. You’ll keep drawing in situations to reinforce this belief that keeps you feeling not good enough. Maybe you stay in an unfulfilling job and don’t go for the promotions, or stay in an dissatisfying relationship. You play small and don’t speak up for yourself. Maybe you don’t set boundaries for fear of making waves or being rejected, then feel victimized by others.
Once you uncover the belief, see how and where it served you in the past. Then explore how the belief is limiting you now. Finally, shift the belief to something more fitting of what you truly want in your life. When you do that, you’ll show up differently in your relationships and life will reflect this back to you. Ultimately, making peace with your shadow beliefs is the key to living that happy and fulfilled life you’ve been looking for.

I spent a life built on a foundation of others and perfected being the good wife and mother. I took great pride in making everyone else feel good, and fooled myself into thinking if they’re happy, then I’m happy.
I didn’t realize I was living someone else’s vision of me until my marriage ended and I had no idea of who I was. I also didn’t realize the cousin to perfectionism is shame. I believed if I worked hard enough to give and give and give, I’d be enough. I’d be protected, loved, and cherished.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work that way.
The more I tried to control my environment, the more I felt out of control inside. I gave everything away to those I loved – hoping I’d be rewarded for all my hard work. And boy was I rewarded – everything I worked so hard to build and nurture was gone. Coaching helped me understand that you can’t change what’s happened, but you can change your reaction to it.